Academics, piano, taekwondo and swimming

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Enrichment Classes Singapore for the Modern Parent

Welcome to LessonPlan, your gateway to enrichment classes in Singapore. From swimming to piano, robotics to academics, we cater to every child's needs and interests. Explore the diversity and convenience at LessonPlan, where idle time is transformed into valuable learning experiences and parental frustrations with scattered searches become a thing of the past.

Turning Idle Time into Learning Opportunities

Children's idle time can easily become unproductive. With LessonPlan, these idle moments are turned into learning adventures that spark creativity, fitness, and intellectual growth. Dive into swimming lessons in Singapore, strike piano keys, or explore the technological wonders of robotics.

The Pain of Traditional Searches: Eliminated

Are you tired of visiting numerous websites, filling out countless inquiry forms, and sifting through various reviews? LessonPlan eases this pain. No more manual searches, no more tedious forms. Just true transparency and direct connection with vetted coaches, schools, and enrichment centres through WhatsApp. Find all you need in one place.

Choose Your Learning Style: Private vs Group Lessons

At LessonPlan, we understand that every child's learning style is unique. That's why we offer two distinct types of learning experiences, allowing you to choose the best fit for your child's personality and learning needs.

Private Lessons:

Tailored to individual needs, private lessons offer a unique learning journey that prioritizes your child's specific interests, pace, and goals. Here's what you can expect:

  • Personalized Attention: In a one-on-one setting, tutors can deeply understand your child's strengths and areas for improvement. This enables a learning path specifically designed to suit their needs.
  • Customized Curriculum: Private lessons allow for a flexible curriculum that adapts to the student's progress and interests. Whether focusing on specific challenges or advancing more rapidly in areas of strength, private lessons ensure an aligned approach.
  • Focused Learning: Without the distraction of a group setting, private lessons enable intense focus on specific skills and mastery, allowing for quicker progress.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Private lessons often offer more flexibility in scheduling, accommodating busy family lives.
  • Ideal For: Those looking for a tailored learning experience, specific skill mastery, or those who prefer a more individualized approach.

Group Lessons:

Group lessons provide a vibrant and interactive learning environment. Here's what sets them apart:

  • Collaborative Learning: Students learn not just from the instructor but also from their peers. This collaboration enhances communication skills and often leads to more creative problem-solving.
  • Social Interaction: Group lessons build social skills, teamwork, and a sense of community. They offer opportunities to make friends, learn empathy, and understand diverse perspectives.
  • Diverse Learning Experience: With different personalities and viewpoints in a group, lessons become dynamic and engaging. Students are exposed to various ways of thinking and problem-solving.
  • Cost-Effective: Often more affordable than private lessons, group classes allow access to quality education without a hefty price tag.
  • Ideal For: Those who enjoy interactive learning, thrive in a community environment, or are looking for a more cost-effective option.

Swimming Lessons Singapore: Dive into Fun and Fitness

Discover swimming lessons in Singapore suitable for all ages and skill levels. Our certified coaches ensure safety, quality training, and enjoyment. From beginners learning basic water safety to advanced swimmers seeking to refine their technique, our swimming lessons are designed to meet various needs, emphasizing physical fitness and a love for the water.

Piano Lessons Singapore: Keys to Musical Mastery

Unlock your child's musical potential with our piano lessons, ranging from classical to contemporary styles. Our instructors, experienced in different methodologies, cater to students of all levels. Whether it's building fundamental skills or advancing in musical expressions, our piano lessons in Singapore nurture a lifelong passion for music.

Robotics Lessons Singapore: Fueling Future Innovators

Ignite curiosity and innovation with robotics lessons in Singapore. Through hands-on projects, students learn coding, engineering principles, and creative problem-solving. Robotics lessons are more than just technical skills; they empower future innovators to think critically, create, and collaborate.

Tuition Singapore: Tailored Learning for Success

Mathematics: Numbers Come to Life

With experienced and dedicated tutors, mathematics becomes engaging and accessible. We simplify complex concepts, demonstrate real-world applications, and turn numbers into a fascinating subject, making them come to life.

English: Unleashing Literary Potential

Our English tuition focuses on all aspects of language learning. We spark curiosity and creativity through engaging lessons on grammar, vocabulary, creative writing, and comprehension, unlocking literary potential.

Chinese: Connecting Culture and Language

Chinese tuition goes beyond language to connect with a rich cultural heritage. Through immersive lessons, stories, and cultural insights, we create an enriching learning experience.

Chemistry: A Dynamic Exploration of Science

Unlock the dynamic world of atoms and molecules with Chemistry tuition. Interactive lessons, hands-on experiments, and engaging discussions make learning Chemistry a thrilling adventure.

Physics: Understanding the Forces of Nature

Physics tuition turns complex theories into tangible concepts. From understanding gravity to exploring quantum mechanics, our Physics lessons encourage hands-on experiments, engaging discussions, and real-world applications, transforming Physics into a subject of fascination.

Music Lessons Singapore: The Symphony of Choices

Delve into diverse music lessons in Singapore. From guitars to violins, drums to flutes, our qualified instructors offer a symphony of choices that resonate with all musical souls, fostering both technical skills and artistic expression.

Enrichment Classes Singapore: Opportunities to Inspire

At LessonPlan, enrichment classes aren't just about skills and subjects. They are opportunities to inspire, grow, and discover new passions. From swimming to robotics, music to academics, our enrichment classes in Singapore cater to your child's unique interests, providing paths to explore, excel, and enjoy.

Connect with True Transparency: A Trustworthy Experience

At LessonPlan, we value honesty and clarity. Finding the right enrichment classes or tuition in Singapore shouldn't be a maze of hidden fees or ambiguous terms. That's why we've created a platform where you can:

  • Direct Connections: We link you directly to schools via WhatsApp. No intermediaries, no surprises. You talk to the source, understanding precisely what you're signing up for.
  • True Transparency: What you see is what you get. Clear information, honest pricing, and complete transparency at every step make the process straightforward and trustworthy.
  • Build Relationships: By connecting directly with schools, you can build relationships and trust from the very beginning, ensuring that you and your child feel comfortable with the learning experience.

Search with Ease: The Right Fit in a Few Clicks

We believe that finding the perfect enrichment classes for your child should be a breeze. LessonPlan offers:

  • Smart Filters: Search according to your unique requirements. Whether it's subject, location, availability, or price, our filters help you find exactly what you're looking for quickly.
  • Interactive Map Views: Our map feature allows you to see the available classes in your desired location, making the search more intuitive.
  • Instant Communication: Reach out to schools instantly via WhatsApp, ask questions, and get all the details you need. Join our growing community of satisfied parents who have discovered the effortless way to find classes.

Vetted Coaches: Peace of Mind Guaranteed

With LessonPlan, safety and quality come first:

  • Rigorous Vetting Process: Every coach on our platform undergoes a thorough verification process. From IDs to company registration numbers, certificates, and memberships, we ensure that they are legitimate and qualified.
  • Reliable Communications: With verified phone numbers and emails, you can have open and consistent communication with coaches. We facilitate clear and efficient interactions.
  • Quality Assurance: Our commitment to quality extends to monitoring reviews and feedback, maintaining a community where excellence is the standard.

Join LessonPlan Today: Your Child's Future Starts Here

With LessonPlan, the world of enrichment classes in Singapore is just a click away. We offer an extensive and diverse range of opportunities:

  • Broad Spectrum of Classes: From sports, music, academics to innovative subjects like robotics, we've got it all. Explore your child's interests and talents like never before.
  • Community of Learners: Be part of a community that values growth, creativity, and lifelong learning. Connect with other parents and share experiences.
  • Convenience and Simplicity: Say goodbye to endless website searches and tedious inquiries. With LessonPlan, everything is in one place, user-friendly, and designed with busy parents in mind.

Discover, connect, and nurture your child's dreams. The future is bright, and with LessonPlan, it's easily accessible. Join us today and embark on a learning adventure that will inspire, challenge, and fulfil your child's potential.

Experience learning differently with Lesson Plan

My kids love Coach Raymond's class although they always said Coach Raymond is a strict trainer! He is definitely a great coach!! Under his strict coaching, sooner or later they can swim like a dolphin.
Gabriel Mok Kai Fong
Best guitar teacher I've ever had. Super patient with a slow learner like me and always go the extra mile to provide a better learning experience. Passionate and happy for his students when they succeed. Highly recommended.
Khit Chung

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GSIC Global Sports Innovation Center


LessonPlan is an online enrichment marketplace designed to help parents to find and manage lessons based on their needs.
LessonPlan lists more than 10,000 time slots across 60 subjects in a single location, so it’s the easiest way to find a class based on your location and timing requirements. Reviews are also available on the platform so you get to see what other parents think of the class too!
We integrate attendance, announcements and payments all in one place. This saves you time and provide a one-stop place to manage your enrichment classes.
At LessonPlan, we act as an Escrow between you and the teacher, therefore ensuring that you get what you buy for.
We provide complimentary personal accident insurance for our students on an Opt-in basis. Upon purchase of a Class on LessonPlan, we will send you an email detailing the instructions to Opt-in to the insurance programme.
You can reach us via email at 
or give us a call at
 +65 8934 2197.
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Calling all Teachers and Schools!

Let’s team up.

Made by parents and educators, just like yourself. Let’s empower our children today.

Your child deserves the best. So do you.


+65 8934 2197
